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Apply Now for Free and Reduced Benefits

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Apply Now for Free and Reduced Benefits

Free and reduced benefits help families and your school.

Families are encouraged to apply for free and reduced benefits for the upcoming school year. By applying for free and reduced benefits families receive assistance and they help your child's school too. 

Here’s the many ways the benefits can help you:

  • Your child’s school can receive additional funding to enhance the educational experience for all students. ($1,280 per approved student)
  • School fees can be waived or reduced. These include athletic fees, course fees and activity and field trip fees tied to curriculum.
  • Students in grades 9-12 can receive assistance with post-graduation planning, scholarships, state and national testing (including SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate), and post-secondary enrollment.
  • Families can qualify for additional resources, such as medical, food and 
    cash assistance.
  • Families can receive support with community services, such as internet, gym memberships, passes to museums and cultural events.
  • Families could receive additional funds during the summer to purchase groceries. 


New application: Create an account - Enroll your children - Apply for benefits

Families must reapply for free and reduced benefits each new school year. You will receive your eligibility letter in the mail or by email. United States citizenship or immigration status is not a condition of eligibility for free and reduced benefits. 

Questions or for a paper application, contact or (720) 972-4195


  • Elementary
  • High School
  • K-8
  • Middle School


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